Locations / garden-city-roosevelt-field / Ali Colletti | White Lies Extensions Studio

Ali Colletti | White Lies Extensions Studio

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Studio 32
At Sola Salons Garden City
My Services

Hair Extensions


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Locations / garden-city-roosevelt-field / Ali Colletti | White Lies Extensions Studio

Ali Colletti | White Lies Extensions Studio

At White Lies Extension Studio, I strive to bring you exceptional results. In a casual and comfortable environment, using only the highest quality products available, you’ll leave feeling like the most beautiful version of yourself!

I have specialized in Novalash eyelash extensions for 7 years. Novalash offers an award-winning, physician developed, oil proof and waterproof adhesive (and unlike other brands, there's no waiting 24-48 hours). The initial full set takes 2 hours. Touch ups take about an hour every 2-4 weeks. For clients coming in with lash extensions from a previous salon, a consultation is required before an appointment can be scheduled. During our consultation, I will assess your lash extensions to determine if we can fill in what you already have or if we need to start fresh with a new, full set.

Clients who are naturally blessed with great lashes, you may prefer a lash lift. They provide incredible curl - giving the illusion of added length to your lashes - and they last around 8-12 weeks with no maintenance whatsoever! Plus, if you add a lash tint with your lift, you'll never need mascara!

Other services offered:

- Great Lengths Hair Extensions (prices upon consultation)

- Infinity Sun Spray Tanning

- Rejuvenol and Cezanne Keratin Treatments

- Brow Tinting

**Coming soon - Novalash Volume Lashes!**

Thanks for visiting!

Instagram: @whitelies_studio


At White Lies Extension Studio, I strive to bring you exceptional results. In a casual and comfortable environment, using only the highest quality products available, you’ll leave feeling lik...

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