Appealing Peels | Angela Kirby
Hi I'm Angela! In the past I have struggled with confidence as most of us do from time to time. My goal with Appealing Peels is to build others up. Utilizing treatments and products scientifically proven to work. Assisting others in finding their confidence and lifting my clients up. Working one on one to help people feel good about themselves and their appearance. We all need to be reminded that we have the power to change things that don't make us happy or hold us back. We all need to be reminded that we are worthy of love and taking the time to care for ourselves. It is not selfish, it is self preservation. I can help you change and heal your skin, which in turn will make you a happier healthier human being. Issues I can help with... Acne, post acne scaring, skin tone & texture, fine lines & wrinkles, age spots, sun damage, calming rosacea. I would love to meet you for a free consultation!Euro Institute of SkincareWA Master Esthetician LicenseMedicalspa experience 3 years
Hi I'm Angela! In the past I have struggled with confidence as most of us do from time to time. My goal with Appealing Peels is to build others up. Utilizing treatments and products scientifically ...
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I was so curious about the sound bath! So I came to try it out!! I have done lots of counseling for past trauma, but still need help to relax. I could feel it more than hear it. It carried me through the rest of my day! Can't wait to go back!
Laurie H.