Christine Rinehart | The Glass Menagerie
“Yes, I have tricks in my pocket, I have things up my sleeve. But I am the opposite of a stage magician. He gives you illusion that has the appearance of truth. I give you truth in the pleasant disguise of illusion.” ― Tennessee Williams, The Glass Menagerie The Glass Menagerie is a single person salon studio location allowing Christine the freedom to provide a private salon setting for her clients. The Glass Menagerie is originally a stage play by Tennessee Williams with themes many find depressing, however Christine has always found the general concepts of the play to be inspiring. Her takeaway has been that life may not always be perfect, but we do what we can to make living enjoyable and work through the struggles we encounter with meaningful distractions. Welcome to The Glass Menagerie. We’re here to distract.
“Yes, I have tricks in my pocket, I have things up my sleeve. But I am the opposite of a stage magician. He gives you illusion that has the appearance of truth. I give you truth in the pleasa...
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Christine is an artist of hair extensions! I'm allergic to ALL hair dyes so was unsure if extensions would work for me. She knew the perfect ones to try and I have been going for over a year. I keep my hair at shoulder length, and it looks so full and thick. I'm so happy with the results, each and every time!