Same day appointments may not be available. Please check with David at time of booking. Create a haircut, hair color, or style that is tailored to you. All services include a personalized consultation, a relaxing shampoo, and a personalized finish. David's eye for detail and color started his career in 1998. With a passion for hair coloring and continuing education, he completed an apprentice training program and worked at one of Tucson's renowned salon and spas where he continued to master skills in hair coloring and haircutting techniques for 11 years. DaJo Hair Studio opened in March 2012 to provide David's clients with a one on one enviroment with their hair stylist as well as the top of the line hair color from Schwarzkopf and a treatment based home hair care line from Loreal Professionnel. David's passion is hair coloring. From conserative, color correction, to funky colors, and is best known for blondes. Ongoing education in hair cutting and coloring techniques, fashion trends, and product knowledge are tools that keep David's passion alive. Call or text 520-305-2803 to make an apoointment.
Same day appointments may not be available. Please check with David at time of booking. Create a haircut, hair color, or style that is tailored to you. All services include a personalized consultat...
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David at Dajo Hair Studio has been doing my hair for over 6 years and I can't imagine anyone else touch it. He is very attentive and patient. He always has great ideas for a new current look. His coloring skills are amazing! I would recommend David without hesitation.