Locations / shreveport / | Kimbreyana McDuffie

Kimbreyana McDuffie

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Locations / shreveport / | Kimbreyana McDuffie

Kimbreyana McDuffie

KimbreyanaMcDuffieFamily Nurse Practitioner

Kimbreyana is a family nurse practitioner with nearly 20 years of experience in healthcare. Kimbreyana began her career in medicine in 2005 when she became a registered nurse at LSU in med-surg. Kimbreyana is passionate about promoting the health and wellness of both men and women of all ages. Kimbreyanafocuses heavily on chronic disease prevention and management of conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, and dyslipidemia.

Kimbreyana grew up in Strong, AR and came to Louisianawith her mother on a job relocation. Kimbreyana is a 2001 graduate of Ruston High School. After graduation, she anenrolled in nursing school at Grambling State University and graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing in 2005After graduating, she worked in hospitals and various hospital-based and home health settings. Kmbreyana enrolled in her Master’s program in 2009. In 2011, she graduated from Grambling University with a Master’s degree as a family nurse practitioner.


She is board certified by the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners and licensed by the Louisiana State Board of Nursing as an advanced practice registered nurse with prescriptive authority.

Kimbreyana is the mother of a 21-year-old son, Tre Williams. Kimbreyana enjoys listening to music, traveling, shopping, and visiting with family and friends. Kimbreyana is currently pursuing a certificate to become a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner. With the knowledge gained to make a social change by bridging the gap between mental health and family practice. As a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner, she plans to incorporate mental health interventions into my primary care setting to increase patient participation in treatment. I plan to integrate primary care with psychiatric care. Often times there are many individuals that do not follow up with their mental health providers due to lack of transportation and cost. Implementing psychiatric nursing will eliminate some of these barriers. Patients with mental illness often have other chronic medical conditions. Psychiatric mental health nurse practitioners who also possess family practice backgrounds are able to bridge the gap between mental and physical health.

Educating the public of the public on mental illness and its prevalence is also one of my professional goals. There is a very large amount of prejudice and discrimination in mental illness. Many do not often seek effective treatment due to the hardships of the illness. The desire to avoid public stigma causes individuals to drop out of treatment or avoid it entirely for fear of being associated with negative stereotypes. Educating the public about mental health and prevalence is an avenue to attempt to remove these stereotypes. Providing community health fairs and acting as an educational resource are, some strategies that I plan to implement as a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner. Establishing a base for mental health education in the community will provide knowledge and interventions for mental health diagnosing and treatments.

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