Locations / hauppauge / Elizabeth | Peridot Studio

Elizabeth | Peridot Studio

Contact Me

Studio 12
At Sola Salons Hauppauge
My Services


Hours of Operation
My Availability

Wednesday 10-8
Thursday 10-8
Friday 10-8
Saturday 10-6
Sunday 12-5

About Me
Locations / hauppauge / Elizabeth | Peridot Studio

Elizabeth | Peridot Studio

My major inspiration for my space is energy. The energy you give, the energy you receive, and more importantly, the energy you create. The energy we give is done without thinking, a subconscious vibe that comes spilling out from us at all times. The energy we receive comes from who we surround ourselves with. Every second of every day, we are receiving energy from those we interact with, even for the briefest of moments. However, the energy we create not only represents us, but those we are creating for. I create for my guests, for their experience. When they walk into my studio door, an instant sense of home will wash over them. Comfort, ease, happiness.

That is where Peridot comes in. The Peridot stone is the stone of compassion. It is linked directly to the heart, and has a friendly and healing energy. It is also said to offer spiritual protection, and inspires those around it to have faith in their own abilities and look into themselves for guidance.

Through my brush, my shears, my combs, and my hands I want a healing energy to flow through all of those I am fortunate enough to transform. A sense of calm and comfort knowing they will leave my space feeling like their best selves.

Born in the heart of the month that Peridot represents, I welcome all to join me on a beautiful journey of self discovery. To discover that inside each and every one of us lies so much beauty. In our hearts, in our souls, and of course, in our hair.

My major inspiration for my space is energy. The energy you give, the energy you receive, and more importantly, the energy you create. The energy we give is done without thinking, a subconscious vi...

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