Locations / mechanicsville / Temple Ross | The Loc Temple LLC

Temple Ross | The Loc Temple LLC

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At Sola Salons Creighton Crossing
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Sisterlocks and Microlocks Establishments using the interlocking method

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Locations / mechanicsville / Temple Ross | The Loc Temple LLC

Temple Ross | The Loc Temple LLC

The Loc Temple is a small business located in Richmond Virginia’s Mechanicsville business district. The Loctition, Ms. Temple specializes in establishing Sisterlock’s and Microloc’s in natural hair. Sisterlock’s and Microloc’s are small locs of hair that are designed by interlocking strands of natural hair with a tool similar to a crochet needle. The technique promotes healthy hair growth without the damaging effects of harsh chemicals. If you’re interested in learning more about loc’d hair and other services that we offer, contact us to learn more about this unique process. 

The Loc Temple is a small business located in Richmond Virginia’s Mechanicsville business district. The Loctition, Ms. Temple specializes in establishing Sisterlock’s and Microloc’s in natural hair...

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